Qualifications – Academic
- (2021) PhD in Philosophy of Education. UCL Institute of Education
- (2009) MRes Educational and Social Research. Institute of Education, University of London
- (1997) MA Legal and Political Theory. University College London
- (1996) BA History. King’s College London
Qualifications – Professional
- (2004) PGCE in ESOL. Institute of Education, University of London
- (2004) Cambridge DELTA. Barnet College
- (1998) Cambridge CELTA. Westminster Kingsway College (Soho Centre)
- (In press) Are practices self-governing? Empresa y Humanismo
- (2023) ‘Family, Practice, & Practical Rationality – A MacIntyrean account’ in S. Maletta, D. Mazzola, and D. Simoncelli eds. Practical Rationality & Human Difference: Perspectives on & beyond Alasdair MacIntyre.
- (2021) Problematising the concept of ‘experience’ in educational contexts: the case of school-based teacher training and school inspection (Doctoral Thesis) UCL Institute of Education
- (2013) Problems with Generalization in Education Research, Their Consequences, and Their Implications. Philosophy of Education 2013: 464-472
- (2013) Report on the BWS Lecture of 23 November 2012: Professor Paul Standish ‘On Being Resolute’. British Wittgenstein Society Newsletter no. 16:1-2
Conference Presentations
- (2023) Are practices self-governing? ISME 2023: The Practice of Governing Institutions. The 16th Annual Conference of the International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry. University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. June 29-July 1, 2023
- (2022) MacIntyre and cross-cultural encounters within a multi-cultural society. ISME 2022: Cross-Cultural Encounters. The 15th Annual Conference of the International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Turkey + Online. June 15-17, 2022
- (2021) Is ‘Family’ a MacIntyrean Practice? ISME 2021: Practical Rationality and Human Difference. The 14th Annual Conference of the International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry. University of Bergamo, Italy – online. 13th – 15th July 2021
- (2013) Generalisation and its problems in education research. BERA Annual Conference, University of Sussex, 3rd-5th September 2013
- (2013) The Problem of Generalization in Educational Research, Its Consequences, Its Implications. The Philosophy of Education Society 69th Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. 14th-18th March 2013
Awards & Funding
- (2014) KU Leuven-Institute of Education Colloquium Expenses (£150)
- (2013) Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Small Grant (£750)
- (2013) Institute of Education Research Student Conference Grant (£300)
- (2012) IOE-Waseda University Short Stay Programme (¥8000)